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It is no secret that exercise helps to keep our bodies healthy, and while we all know the benefits that an active lifestyle can have on our children’s physical health, we can also use exercise to improve their mental wellbeing.

Research suggests that as the heart rate increases, the brain releases chemicals that encourage positivity and happiness called Endorphins. These chemicals are believed to improve children’s moods and even help relieve symptoms of stress and anxiety. An increased level of confidence and a new positive perspective can make children feel good about themselves and contribute to a healthier state of mind.

We can also use physical activity to improve social interaction by allowing children the opportunity to make new friends whilst doing something enjoyable. With the development of problem solving skills, learning the importance of taking turns and encouraging teamwork, a physical activity can go a long way to improving how a child communicates when there is an objective to fulfil.

At Sovereign we are focused on developing new ideas that benefit every aspect of a child’s health and wellbeing. By combining our popular range of children’s gym equipment with fitness-themed playground markings, children can enjoy the benefits of exercise in a fun and interesting way.

Quick games that are designed to get children moving are a great way to begin for younger age groups. We recommend our hopscotches and activity trails from our range of playground markings, as they are perfect for getting their heart rates up for short bursts.

Sovereign are here to help you teach them the importance of an active lifestyle, whilst also caring for their mental wellbeing.

Contact us today or call 01702 804299 for a FREE no obligation consultation.